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In the world of mental health treatment, Rose Hill stands out as a beacon of innovation, with methods that transcend traditional models. Proven to show a reduction in hospitalizations, increase in independence and overall improvement of functioning, individuals who successfully complete our program graduate to a life worth living… and worth sharing.

In fact, after more than 30 years of helping people overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges and embrace futures filled with hope, purpose and possibilities, we’ve seen inspiring transformations, like that of a 24-year-old who arrived marked by multiple suicide attempts. Her prognosis was bleak, and her parents had gone so far as to pre-pay for her funeral – harboring doubts she would survive past 30. However, through her participation in our program, she not only defied those expectations… she emerged victoriously. Today, she lives independently, holds a steady job and is pursuing her dreams of becoming a therapist.

In large part, this patient (and thousands more) achieved lasting, positive change because of therapeutic interventions tailored to their unique needs – a foundation at Rose Hill.

Comprehensive and highly personalized, our innovative approaches to treatment include:

  1. Individual therapy: At Rose Hill, we believe in the transformative power of individual therapy, and we consider it a cornerstone of our comprehensive residential mental health treatment. Tailored to empower residents on their journey to lifelong well-being, we offer highly individualized one-on-one sessions with experienced and compassionate therapists. All sessions encourage residents to explore their challenges, emotions, and goals in a confidential and supportive environment, thus developing insightful coping strategies, enhancing self-awareness, and promoting personal growth.
  1. Group therapy: Our group therapy follows the traditional process and approach – encouraging residents to process their symptoms and feelings. However, we also have unique groups that allow residents to explore common interests, learn skills for relationship building and independent living, and assess their sense of self. (Note: We also offer dialectical behavioral therapy and radically open dialectical behavior therapy to help residents who are presenting with under or over control of emotions. These groups teach patients to identify, manage, and process their emotions and the behaviors that come with them.) 
  1. Therapeutic work programming: Part of our process involves hands-on work, where residents learn valuable skills to help them feel more confident and independent. Upon arrival, every patient will be detailed to a work team of their choosing – the farm, garden, kitchen or housekeeping – and dedicate approximately five hours a day to this immersive experience. 
  1. Social and recreational activities: Unlike other programs, we integrate a measured combination of therapeutic interventions with time for social activities, recreation and relaxation. In our professional opinion, this makes for a more well-rounded and sustainable experience, and it gives individuals the skills they’ll need to one day maintain their independence in an unsupervised setting. These skills includes mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness.
  1. Cutting-edge care: Unique to Rose Hill, all residential treatment therapies are offered in one location, with one team working together. When asked to describe this innovative approach, Kelli Waite, Director of Clinical Services, said, “We’re more than just the modalities. A selfless staff who treat the person first and the mental illness second is what gets us the results we have.” (Note: Rose Hill is NOT a locked facility – providing the least restrictive environment for recovery possible.)
  1. Care coordination: Establishing a strong relationship with referring physicians is essential to ensure continuity of care. They will be consulted during the admissions process, as well as during treatment, and with consent from the patient, we will also keep them informed of progress and collaborate during discharge planning. 
  1. Case management: Our case managers serve as a crucial liaison for all intervention modalities – creating a seamless continuum of care. Working to assess and address individual progress and provide valuable redirection when residents face challenges, this team ensures every individual feels listened to, validated, and like they have a choice in their recovery.

By embracing individualization, a balanced therapeutic lifestyle, and unique therapeutic spaces like the greenhouse and farm, we’re proud to pave the way for a more holistic and effective approach to mental health treatment, and we’re honored to stand as a testament to the transformative power of innovation, in pursuit of lifelong well-being.

Are you a healthcare professional considering referring a patient to Rose Hill? Please contact our admissions team to learn more.

Are you a patient struggling with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder? Please fill out a short screening survey to see if Rose Hill could be the right fit for you.